Judge in Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s case officiated George Soros’ wedding and was on Clinton’s short list to become AG

As you likely know, President Donald J. Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, had his offices and a hotel room raided by FBI agents last week acting on “evidence” given to the Southern District of New York by special counsel Robert Mueller.

Agents took boxes of physical documents while vacuuming up every bit of electronic data housed on Cohen’s personal devices.

The reason? Agents are looking for information related to Cohen’s payments to a porn star and a former Playboy playmate with whom the president allegedly had short-lived affairs with more than a decade ago.

Earth-shattering stuff, right? 

Not really, but apparently when your objective is to bring down a duly-elected president simply because you and your cabal of Deep State operatives have decided he’s not “fit” for the office, this kind of information is invaluable.

Invaluable enough, even, to blow a hole through the rule of law so wide it can never be repaired.

But the destruction of the rule of law has not been limited to blatant violations of attorney-client privilege. It has now extended to the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment “protections,” thanks to a federal judge who appears to be solidly in the corner of Trump’s most vociferous political opponents.

On Monday, Cohen and his lawyers appeared in court to fight for their right to examine materials taken from the client, so they can determine what truly is subject to attorney-client privilege. However, Judge Kimba Wood, a 74-year-old Reagan appointee, not only denied Cohen’s request but also trampled on those rights of a private citizen — Fox News host Sean Hannity.

“Michael Cohen was forced to hand over a list of his clients on a list to a judge. Among those on a list was our friend Sean Hannity in the hour after ours. Judge Kimba Wood ordered Hannity’s identity revealed even though Hannity had specifically requested that his name remain private which is his right,” Hannity friend and colleague Tucker Carlson said on his program.

“Keep in mind that Sean Hannity is a talk-show host. He’s not under investigation by anyone for anything. Who he hires as a lawyer and why is nobody’s business,” Carlson continued. “No judge has a right to violate his privacy or anybody else’s. Those used to be the rules but the rules have changed.”

Why would a Reagan appointee do that? 

The answer could be in her history. As The Washington Times reports, Wood officiated the wedding of George Soros. 

Yeah, that George Soros, the Marxist Leftist billionaire. The 2013 wedding was also attended by others on the far-Left, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and then-California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsome. Oh, and for good measure, liberal U2 frontman Bono was on hand as well.

There’s more. Wood was nominated by President Bill Clinton to be his attorney general; she was forced to withdraw her name when it was discovered she used an illegal alien as a babysitter. And how can we forget her “love judge” extramarital relationship?

So, despite the fact that Wood is a Reagan appointee, she certainly likes to spend time with far-Left Democrats and their supporters, while violating federal immigration laws. 

Now she’s sitting in judgment of the personal lawyer of a president everyone in her personal and professional circles cannot stand and who are trying to oust — all why destroying the privacy of as many Trump supporters as possible in the process. 

And let’s not pretend that this Cohen case just happened to end up in her court, which resides within the second-most-influential federal district behind the U.S. Supreme Court.

If you still believe in our system of “justice” and that America’s federal law enforcement institutions are untainted by politics, there is some beachfront property in Wyoming someone is dying to sell you.

See more at Corruption.news.

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.

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